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One Tap Review Card

One Tap Review Card

Regular price $19.99
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Review Card

Logo/Brand Dimensions:(1080X1080) AT 300 PIXELS PER INCH (PPI/DPI) RECOMMENDED.**

Unlocking the Power of One Tap Reviews:

  1. Seamless Activation: With the One Tap Review Card, simple hover or tap the phone over the card

  2. Instant Customer Engagement: As if by magic, customers are prompted to tap on a notification that appears on their screens.

  3. Five-Star Reviews in the Blink of an Eye: Picture this—within less than 5 seconds, your business can accumulate not just one, but a cascade of five-star reviews. It's a testament to the effectiveness and efficiency of our One Tap Review Card.

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What's Included

Capatible Devices

All our One Tap Review Signs are compatible with majority of mobile devices as long as NFC is enabled.

  • iPhone X - Present: You can simply Tap!
  • Android Phones Made after 2018: Turn on NFC and Tap!


Please allocate a processing and shipping timeframe of 5 to 7 days for your order.

Instant Followers!

Picture this—within less than 5 seconds, your business can accumulate not just one, but an unlimited amount of followers at events, & on anywhere in the world. It's a testament to the effectiveness and efficiency of our One Tap follower Cards & Signs.